heidilatskydance travels the world...
Baruch Performing Arts Center
An evening of grace and grit
*Our thanks to The Prep Kitchen for sponsoring the sold-out benefit that was held during this engagement, to Pellegrino for their generous donation, and to musical guest Kelly Britton for donating her talent.

The Nagelberg Theater
Baruch Performing Arts Center (BPAC)
55 Lexington Avenue
New York, NY
Hospital Audiences Inc., presents...
March 20, 2013, Wednesday 2pm
Performing: SOMEWHERE
Morris W. & Fannie B. Haft Auditorium
The Fashion Institute of Technology
227 West 27th Street New York, NY
Reelabilities: NY Disabilities Festival
March 11, 2013, Monday 5:30pm
Performing: Lecture Demonstration
New York Public Library-115th Street Branch
203 West 115th Street
New York, NY
Reelabilities: NY Disabilities Festival
March 9, 2013, Saturday 2-3pm
R&R: Free Shabbat at the JCC
Performing: SOMEWHERE & Talkback
The Jewish Community Center in Manhattan
The Samuel Priest Rose Building
334 Amsterdam Avenue
New York, NY 10023
Highlights 2012:
December 1, 2012, Saturday 4:15pm-5:45pm EST
Session: Stops and Starts
Performing: GIMP (Excerpt)
United States Institute of Peace (USIP)
2301 Constitution Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20037
The New York State Presenters Network (NYSPN) Fall Conference
October 17, 2012, Wednesday 8pm
An Evening of Modern Movement & Traditional Music
Performing: GIMP (Excerpts)
The Egg Center for the Performing Arts
1 State Street
Albany, NY 12207
The 42nd Season of Lincoln Center Out of Doors
August 4, 2012, Saturday
Performing: GIMP
Hearst Plaza
Lincoln Center for Performing Arts
1941 Broadway
New York, NY 10023
April 21, 2012, Saturday
Performing: Excerpts from SOMEWHERE
Institute for Contemporary Art
100 Northern Avenue
Boston, MA 02210
Festival of the Moving Body
March 16 2012, Friday
Performing: Excerpts from SOMEWHERE
SUNY Stony Brook
Charles B. Wang Theatre
Stony Brook, NY 11794-4040
University of Rochester
February 17, 2013, Wednesday 2pm
Spurrier Dance Studio
University of Rochester
Kendrick Road
Rochester, NY
Association of Performing Arts Presenters (APAP) 2012
January 6, 2012, Friday
Performing: Excerpts from SOMEWHERE
The Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater
405 W. 55th Street
New York, NY 10019
Reelabilities: NY Disabilities Film Festival
February 11, 2012, Saturday
Performing: Excerpts from SOMEWHERE
The Jewish Community Center in Manhattan
The Samuel Priest Rose Building
334 Amsterdam Avenue
New York, NY 10023
Highlights 2011:
Outreach: Classes @ Rutgers University
December 6, 2011, Tuesday
Rutgers University
57 U.S. Highway 1
New Brunswick, NJ 08901
The Pittsburgh Dance Council, August Wilson Center for African American Culture, FISA Foundation & Heidi Latsky Dance present GIMP
October 15, 2011, Saturday
Performing: GIMP
FISA Foundation
1001 Liberty Avenue
Pittsburgh, PA 15222
Heidi Latsky performance with Bill T. Jones/Arnie Zane
@ The Institute of Contemporary Art
July 15 & 16, 2011
Performing: Alumni performance with Bill T. Jones/Arnie Zane
The Institute of Contemporary Art
100 Northern Avenue
Boston, MA 02210
La MaMa Moves! Dance Festival
June 16-18, 2011
Performing: IF
Ellen Stewart Theatre
66 E 4th Street
New York, NY 10003
Crossings Dance Festival
June 10, 2011, Friday
Performing: Excerpts from GIMP
Düsseldorf, Germany
CREA: Count Me In! Conference
April 16-18, 2011
Performing: GIMP
Kathmandu, Nepal
Edward Henkel's Movement Talks
April 29, 2011
Discussion: Don't Dis-Abilities/Where Dance and Disabilities Collide
92nd Street Y
Buttenweiser Hall
1395 Lexington Avenue
New York, NY 10128
The GIMP Project: A Discussion
March 7 & 8, 2011
Discussion: The Gimp Project
Harvard Graduate School of Education
13 Appian Way
Cambridge, MA 02138
Scholar & Feminist Conference Movements: Feminism and Disability
February 26, 2011
Performance: GIMP
Barnard College
Event Oval, The Diana Center
3009 Broadway
New York, NY 10027
Alverno Presents!
January 25-29, 2011
Performance: GIMP
Alverno College
Marquette University
Halfaer Theater
525 North 13th Street
Milwaukee, WI 53233
Reelabilities: NY Disabilities Film Festival
February 5, 2011, Saturday
Performing: Excerpts from IF
The Jewish Community Center in Manhattan
The Samuel Priest Rose Building
334 Amsterdam Avenue
New York, NY 10023
Performing: GIMP
Roger Williams University
One Old Ferry Road
Bristol, RI 02809
Under the Influence Dance Series
February 9, 2011, Wednesday
Presented by: Ballet Hispanico, Jennifer Muller, and Heidi Latsky
Museum of Arts + Design
2 Columbus Circle
New York, NY 10019
Highlights 2010:
Autumn Residency performing December 9, 11, & 12, 2010
Presented by: Ballet Hispanico, Jennifer Muller, and Heidi Latsky
The Jewish Community Center in Manhattan
The Samuel Priest Rose Building
November 15-21, 2010
Performing: GIMP
Everyman and Playhouse Theatres
Williamson Square
Liverpool, England L1 1EL
Chicago Humanities Festival
November 6-8, 2010
Performing: GIMP
Heller Auditorium
Francis W. Parker School
330 West Webster Avenue
Chicago, IL 60614
Interdisciplinary Arts Symposium
October 29, 2010, Friday
Performing: GIMP
Presented by: The University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Lied Center for Performing Arts
301 North 12th Street
Lincoln, NE 68508
Scripps College Humanities Institute
October 5-7, 2010
Discussion: Engagement: Mind, Body, and Soul
Garrison Theater
Scripps College Performing Arts Center
241 East 10th Street
Claremont, CA 91711
July 7, 2010, Wednesday
Performing: Two Men Walking
South Court Auditorium
Stephen A. Schwarzman Buildingar
455 5th Avenue
New York, NY 10016
The Green Show @ Oregon Shakespeare Festival
July 9 & 11, 2010
Performing: Excerpts from GIMP
15 South Pioneer Street
Ashland, Oregon 97520
Haiti: Another Chance to Dance
May 26, 2010
Performing: GIMP
Presented by: Handicap International
The Jewish Community Center in Manhattan
The Samuel Priest Rose Building
Dublin Dance Festival
May 15 &16, 2010
Performing: GIMP
Presented by: International Dance Festival Ireland
Project Arts Centre
26 South Frederick Street
Dublin, Ireland
April 13, 2010
Performing: GIMP
SUNY Stony Brook
Student Activity Center
Stony Brook, NY 11794-4040
February 9-13, 2010
Performing: GIMP
Flynn Center for the Performing Arts
153 Main Street
Burlington, VT 05401
Reelabilities: NY Disabilities Film Festival
Performing: GIMP
The Jewish Community Center in Manhattan
The Samuel Priest Rose Building
334 Amsterdam Avenue
New York, NY 10023
Associaton of Performing Arts Presenters (APAP)
January 7, 2010
Performing: Excerpt of GIMP
Danspace Project
Saint Mark's Church
131 East 10th Street
New York, NY 1003
Highlights: 2009
The New York International Fringe Festival (FringeNYC)
August 14-22, 2009
440 Studios
440 Lafayette Street #4
New York, NY 10003
National Summit @ National Endowment for the Arts
July 22, 2009
Performance: Excerpts from GIMP
Millennium Stage
The John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts
2700 F Street Northwest
Washington, D.C. 20566
Boston Premiere of GIMP
April 24 & 25, 2009
Performing: GIMP
Presented by: The Institute of Contemporary Art & Alliger Arts in association with VSA Arts of Massachusettes
Association of Performing Arts Presenters (APAP)
January 10, 2009
Performing: Excerpts from GIMP
Danspace Project
Saint Mark's Church
131 East 10th Street
New York, NY 10003
The Society for the Arts in Healthcare's 20th Annual Conference
April 24, 2009
Performing: Excerpts from GIMP
Presented by: The University of Buffalo's Center for the Arts
Hyatt Regency Buffalo
2 Fountain Plaza
Buffalo, NY 14202
New York Premiere of GIMP
March 19-21, 2009
Performing: GIMP
The Abrons Arts Center
466 Grand Street
New York, NY 10002
Highlights: 2008
World Premiere of GIMP
November 3-15, 2008
Performing: Residency & Performance of GIMP
Presented by: VSA Arts of New Mexico
North Fourth Arts Center
4904 Fourth Street
Albuquerque, NM 87107
DanceNOW Festival
October 30, 2008
Performing: Excerpts from GIMP
Base Camp 3
Dance Theater Workshop
219 West 19th Street
New York, NY 10011
5 x 5 Dance Festival @ Saint Joseph College
October 24, 2008
Performing: Excerpts from GIMP
Hoffman Auditorium
Bruyette Athenaeum
1676 Asylum Avenue
West Hartford, CT 06117
Excerpt from GIMP
October 17-19, 2008
Performing: Excerpt from GIMP
Dance New Amsterdam
280 Broadway #1
New York, NY 10007
Reelabilities: NY Disabilities Film Festival
September 21, 2008
Performing: Excerpts from GIMP
The Jewish Community Center in Manhattan
The Samuel Priest Rose Building
334 Amsterdam Avenue
New York, NY 10023
Excerpts from GIMP
May 15, 2008
Performance: Excerpts from GIMP
Victory Gardens Theater
2433 North Lincoln
Chicago, IL 60614
GIMP: Studio Version
April 26, 2008
Performing: Residency & Studio Version of GIMP
The Abrons Arts Center
466 Grand Street
New York, NY 10002
Association of Performing Arts Presenters (APAP)
January 12, 2008
Performing: Excerpts from GIMP
Baryshnikov Arts Center
450 West 37th Street
New York, NY 100184
Highlights: 2007
Food for Thought Benefit Series
December 20, 2007
Performing: Excerpts from GIMP
Presented by: Danspace Project for the AIDS Service Center Project
Danspace Project
Saint Mark's Church
131 East 10th Street
New York, NY 10003
Beloit College Residency
October 28 - November 4, 2007
Performing: Residency & Performance
Wilson Theater
Beloit College
700 College Street
Beloit, WI 53511
Heidi Latsky Dance Repertory Show
July 28, 2007, Saturday
Performing: Excerpts from DISJOINTED and FROM THE LIMB.
Woodstock Playhouse
103 Mill Hill Road
Woodstock, NY 12498