Who we are and our history:
The Nassau County Coalition Against Domestic Violence (Coalition) is an independent not-for-profit 501(C)3 organization established in 1978, as the Coalition for Abused Women, to assist victims of domestic violence. Since that time we have evolved into a multifaceted organization currently providing hotlines, housing, counseling, legal and educational services, and systems and legislative advocacy for victims of domestic violence and survivors of sexual assault. In 1980 we established the Safe Home for Abused Families and in July of 1991 added a program dedicated to sexual assault victims. We provide services for women and men in Nassau County who have experienced violence in interpersonal relationships who seek safety or have the need to mitigate the effects of domestic violence or sexual assault. We also provide information, education and training within the Nassau County community.
Our goals are to assist victims of domestic violence or sexual assault, mitigate the consequences of these acts for victims, their families and friends and to work toward ending violence through education and systems change. We believe that the responsibility for violence always rests with the abuser or perpetrator, that violence will end when abusers are held accountable for the physical and emotional damage they cause, and that victims of domestic violence and sexual abuse have human, civil and legal rights to be safe from abuse. Confidential services are offered by knowledgeable, trained counselors, advocates, and supervised by a professional staff .
Throughout its history, the Coalition has lead local and statewide efforts to reform or evolve systems' approaches to serving victims of domestic violence. We have had continuous representation on the New York State Coalition Against Domestic Violence Board of Directors and the local Nassau County Family Violence Task Force and participate as part of numerous legal and human service networks. The Coalition led local and statewide efforts to reform or evolve systems' approaches to serving victims of domestic violence. We have had continuous representation on the New York State Coalition Against Domestic Violence Board of Directors, the Women's Bar Association State of New York Directors Committee and the local Nassau County Family Violence Task Force and participate as part of numerous legal and human service networks.
Staff members have been recognized for their ability and achievements by the Nassau County Bar Association, Women's Bar Association, law schools, Nassau NOW, Office for Women's Services, and numerous professional and service organizations. In 1985 we published a book of interpreted artwork by children from violent homes, called Silent Screams and Hidden Cries. In 1992, the Coalition was the recipient of the New York State Bar Association's Public Service Award for improving the administration of justice through its commitment to advocacy on behalf of victims of domestic violence. The Coalition was recognized for its innovation and contributions in facilitating a coordinated, unified community response to the problem of domestic violence. The directors of the Coalition are recognized throughout New York State as trainers and provide consultation on domestic violence and sexual assault issues internationally. The Coalition provides training support for the criminal and civil justice systems, court, health, mental health, drug and alcohol, educational and business communities, offering educational seminars on identification, assessment, intervention, counseling or utilization of resources, as well as, overviews of the dynamics of domestic violence or sexual assault.
The Coalition's client services are integrated and provide a coordinated approach to assisting the client in addressing the many complex factors involved in evaluating their situations and making choices. We work toward helping them become fully knowledgeable of their personal and community resources, options, consequences of their choices, and provide both emotional and practical support as the client regains control over her/his life. Each client determines her own steps and rate of change. Services are offered in the following areas:
- safe emergency housing
- housing
- group or individual counseling
- children's counseling
- services for the abused elderly
- legal consultations and representation
- hospital advocacy
- court advocacy.
Many of these services are offered in Spanish, as well as English, and special arrangements are made to assist those with who are non-English speaking or have special communication needs. Advocacy for clients within systems is a part of all services