Children Who Witness Domestic Violence

When violence occurs in the family, children are affected...

"I can't sleep because I worry all the time."

"If you love us why do you hurt us?"

"I thought that if I was really good nothing bad would happen."

"I get so frightened, maybe I'm next."


The Coalition's programs for children lessen the effects of witnessing family violence and prepare the child for adult relationships free of abuse. We work with high risk and abused children, toddlers to teens, through individual and/or group counseling. Programs for children are offered to families at our Center or residing in our Safe Home for Abused Families. Parents and professionals may inquire about counseling services for children who have been exposed to domestic violence by calling the Coalition's Hotline:


When children live with fighting and abuse they are likely to:

  • Copy the hitting, yelling and name calling they see.
  • Worry too much.
  • Think they are responsible and feel badly about themselves.
  • Feel hopeless and sad and be unable to concentrate on school.
  • Act uncooperative at home and not listen.
  • Have problems with eating and/or sleeping.
  • Damage property - at home, at school or in the neighborhood.
  • Feel embarrassed about their family.
  • Love and hate the abuser at the same time.

Some facts:

  • Each year at least 3.3 million children between the ages of 3 and 17 are at risk of witnessing parental violence and its effects.
  • In homes where partner abuse occurs there is a greater likelihood that their children will be abused as well.
  • Children in homes where domestic violence occurs may accidentally be injured.
  • Infants may be injured if held when the abuser strikes out.
  • Children may be hurt while trying to protect the victim.
  • Children from violent families, even if not physically abused themselves, are severely affected by their experiences.
  • Adolescents in treatment for alcohol abuse are reported to have a higher rate of witnessing violence and other traumas.