Dating Violence

Does This Sound Familiar?

"Steve gets angry, and then tells me it's always my fault."

-Sara, age 17

"Whenever we fight, I'm afraid to say what I want because I don't know if he's going to hit me."

-Tasha, age 15

"He drives like a maniac just to make me scared."

-Lee, age 17

"I feel pressured into doing sexual things that I don't want to do, sometimes it's just not worth the fight."

-Maritza, age 16

"I feel I can't do anything right, because she always tells me I'm stupid."

-Chris, age 14

"Tyrell never let's me see my friends anymore, he always gets jealous and accuses me of cheating."

-Monique, age 15

"He used to only push or grab me, but this last time he really hurt me."

-Vicki, age 18

Abusive relationships can start just like healthy ones-full of love, excitement and romance. As time goes on, what once felt loving or flattering starts to feel controlling and even frightening.

Some signs of abusive behavior are:

  • Excessive Jealousy
  • Threats and Accusations
  • Name calling and Humiliation
  • Possessiveness
  • Violence-Hitting, Forced Sex, Intimidation, Shouting