The Coalition's Housing Programs assist survivors in starting a new life free of the violence they are fleeing. While in the program, these families work to gain the emotional and economic independence necessary to live in peace and safety.
The Transitional Housing programs assist, for up to 2 years, domestic violence survivors and their children who meet the following criteria:
- Residing at the Coalition's Safe Home, SHAF (Safe Home for Abused Families)
- Homeless/in a homeless shelter
- Fleeing domestic violence
- Project New Visions is a longer term program for survivors who are homeless or fleeing domestic violence and have a permanent disability
Families in all of our Housing Programs receive:
- Assistance in locating & securing affordable housing in a new, safe community—since only after stable housing is established can other needs be addressed
- Help obtaining furnishings and needed household items to set up a new home
- Referrals and linkage to childcare services, social service programs and other community organizations
- Advocacy with Social Services, Social Security, courts, community organizations, and other systems
- Job skills assessment, and referrals for training and education with the goal of sustainable employment at a living wage
- Life Skills groups covering topics such as parenting, self-esteem, relationships, women's health, and other topics
- Budgeting and financial literacy education—including referrals to credit counseling programs
- Intensive case management