Elder Abuse has many forms and may be exhibited in many ways. Sometimes it involves family members who injure or exploit an elderly relative. One of the most commonly reported forms is the simultaneous occurrence of physical abuse and financial exploitation.
Elder Abuse may include acts such as:
PHYSICAL... beating, slapping, burning, cutting, shaking, spitting, applying inappropriate physical contact, abandoning, under or over medicating, denying food or water, delaying medical treatment.
SEXUAL... sexual contact without consent or forcing consent to sexual acts.
PSYCHOLOGICAL... threatening, harassing, humiliating, demeaning, calling names, isolating, ignoring, frightening, intimidating, infantilizing, destroying property.
FINANCIAL... illegal or unethical use of funds or assets, theft, embezzlement, misuse of property, extortion, fraud, failure to support.
NEGLECT... intentional or unintentional failure to provide basic needs including food, water, hygiene, sensory stimulation.
VIOLATION OF RIGHTS... denial of privacy, a clean, safe living environment, personal liberty, free speech, religious practice, voting and citizenship rights, ability to complain or seek redress for grievances, the removal of property without due process of law, forced labor.